Anuj and Anup have to travel from a place A to a place B

Question: Anuj and Anup have to travel from a place A to a place B in their respective cars. Anuj is driving at 70 km/h, and takes 3 halts of 10 minutes each, while Anup is driving at 80 km/h, and takes 4 halts of 15 minutes each. The time taken by Anup to reach Place B, if Anuj takes 8.5 hours, is: 

  1. 7 hours
  2. 4 hours
  3. 8 hours (Answer)
  4. 6 hours


Total halt time of Anuj is 3×10= 39 Minutes = 0.5 hours
Actual driving time of Anuj is 8.5 – 0.5 = 8 hours
Total distance for this = $8 × 70 = 560 km$
Total halt time of Anup = $4 × 15$ = 60minutes = 1 hours 
The time taken by Anup to reach Place B = $\frac{560}{80}$ = 7 hours
$Now Total time = 7 + 1 = 8 hours$

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